Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Great Gramma

 A family road trip, with the boys chattering nonstop for nearly three hours led to a visit with Great-Gramma.  What a treat!

Naturally, I brought the good camera, but left the battery plugged into the charger at home.  Doh!  So, our opportunity to get good quality pictures was lost, but between the three iPhone cameras that were clicking, there were lots of pictures of Gram and her great-grandsons.

Connor, who is typically camera shy, jumped right onto Gram's lap when I asked him to go sit with her for a picture.  He knows who doles out the treats!

 Then DrewB climbed up for the picture.
 Waiting for Christian, the boys watched the ceiling fan go round and round.
 Finally Christian joined the photo, and Connor decided to start teasing DrewB.
 Oh boy, when these boys get a little older...
 Finally, kisses all around.
We love you Gram!

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