Monday, March 26, 2012

Missing DC

Since we've moved, I don't know that I've had a second of missing...not regret, not unhappiness, but just missing DC.  It's so good, so right to be here in STL, that there's been no need to miss DC.

Until this week.

I'm not sure why, but for some reason this past week I've been missing DC.  Missing our family and friends out there, missing trapeze, just missing...

I've  been trying to figure out why these feelings have popped up now, but I really can't put my finger on it. 

The upside is that I'll be in DC in a few weeks for a fairly long visit.  I suspect that will be enough to get this out of my system, but in the meantime,here are a few of my favorite shots from our time in DC.

This was Easter weekend, 2010, while the cherry blossoms were in bloom. One of my very favorite pictures of Connor, because his beloved blankie is featured so prominently.

 Here's Christian, pre-glasses, that same weekend at the Tidal Basin.
DP and Connor at Twilight Polo at Great Meadow.  A fabulous way to spend a Saturday night.

Playing at the Capitol.
 This one has been my computer screen saver since I took the photo in August of 2010.

Walking through the columns at the Lincoln Memorial.
DP and the boys in Old Town Alexandria
Christian at the WWII Memorial.  He'd just gotten in trouble for not listening when I took this. 
Christian climbing the ladder for trapeze... he looks so little up there, but he was fearless.  Oh, how I wish TSNY would open a school in STL!!

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