Monday, January 2, 2012

People Peeves

I don't want to grumble, but I need to for a second.  It bugs me to go talk to someone and to find that person is more interested in looking at their computer or iphone or magazine or digging through their desk or looking at anything other than making eye contact with me during the "conversation".  Come on already!  If it isn't a convenient time to talk, say so.  I'll respect that.  But if I'm trying to have a conversation, it would be nice to know that the person I'm speaking to is actually paying attention.  If a person is so busy that they can't stop for a minute to focus and be present in the moment for our conversation I'm going to walk away thinking 1) they don't value what I'm saying; 2) they aren't really listening to what I'm saying; and 3) most likely if they aren't listening but acting like they are there will be problems later when they do take the time to tune in to the details.  In the end all this does is to make me think twice about whether it's worth my time to bother to talk to a person in the future. Chances are I'll think not.

Here ends my grumbling.


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