Saturday, October 29, 2011

Soccer Saturday

After the excitement of the World Series, the energy level was a bit down this afternoon at the Charger's soccer game.  Today was a return visit to Holy Redeemer to take on their kindergarten team.

Despite not having had practices for the last few weeks, and the energy drain, the kids did pretty well.  They had 2 scored goals--3 if you count the goal that the Chargers ran off and scored before the ref blew the whistle and before the other team had gotten set on the field.  Oops.  But the kids didn't understand that the goal didn't count, and as far as they are concerned, they scored three goals today.

Christian had the 2nd (1st official) goal of the game.  He grabbed the ball past midfield and charged it all the way down to the goal.

Hey Coach, I just scored a goal!  (Will I get the game ball for this?  No.)

During the half, new positions were assigned.

"I get to play defense!"

Because the teams were switching goals, Coach worked to help the kids understand which goal they needed to defend, and which they were trying to score on.

We're defending which goal?
We're trying to score in which goal?
Christian tries to figure it out.

Oh, I've got it now.

But the real drama came after the game.  After the boys and I pulled into the driveway at home.

Connor brought Stompy to the game today. Stompy is one of Connor's stuffed elephants.  He used to be "baby elephant, but a few months ago got a name."

Connor wanted Stompy to come cheer for his big brother.  Connor and Stompy had a great time at the game. Eating pretzels, swinging on the swingset, cheering on the Chargers.

When we got home, as we were getting out of the car, we discovered that Stompy wasn't with us.  He must have been having so much fun that he wanted to stay and watch the next game of the afternoon.

Connor wasn't having any of it.  "Oh no.  Stompy misses me. Hurry, Hurry. Oh Stompy."

So we buckled up and back to Holy Redeemer we went.

As we got out of the car at the soccer field, I dashed over to the stands.  Sure enough, right there where he'd been most of the game, fourth row up, on the end, sat Stompy.


What a relief.

Not just for Connor, but me too.  Of the many, many stuffed animals that we have in the house, Stompy is one of my most favorites.  We got Stompy at a toy store in Amarillo, TX shortly before Christian was born.  He's cuddly and sweet.  Just like Connor, who early on fell in love with Stompy and the elephant family of stuffed animals.

Connor missed Stompy.  Stompy missed Connor.  They aren't letting each other out of sight.

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